After the tragedy of Paris and California's terrorists attack by a Muslim couple, Trump published a new controversial message, to ban g...

What do I think about Trump's Muslim ban?

After the tragedy of Paris and California's terrorists attack by a Muslim couple, Trump published a new controversial message, to ban giving US visa to all Muslims temporary . 

This was a big news, one of those news that the people who you haven't talked to in a while would call you and say, "Hey did you hear what Donald Trump said ?"
Everyone I know is extremely mad at his comments (even progressive Muslims I know are mad at it).

I spent hours talking to myself, what do I think about this ? To be honest with you I did not like it either, no matter how secular I be, I hold a passport from an Islamic country, which already does make it hard for me to travel...this comments are not gonna make my life any easier.

However deep inside I am happy Donald Trump talked about it, this was a discussion we had to have, without hiding behind politically correct words. without being shy that someone might be offended. I hate it when people dislike something but don't have the guts to talk about it. 

I like to ask any muslim who is mad at Trump one question :

Is it morally acceptable for a country to ban a whole nation or religious group to enter the country? 

a highway exit in Saudi Arabia for non-muslems

In the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, Non-Muslims are not allowed to enter the city

an example passport banning Israel

Wikipedia has a list of islamic countries which will not accept an Israeli passport
The entire country of Israel is not allowed to travel to those countries, and it is NOT temporarily.

Mind that this banning non-muslims did NOT happen after a non-muslim blowed himself up into civilians or shoot a party of co-workers...

So I think if you are a muslim and you are really mad at Trump, I hope you are mad at Islamic countries for doing the worse than that. otherwise you will be hypocritical ! This is a good opportunity to test your logic and fairness.

Sometimes we humans want something from others, but  we are not willing to give the same back to them. and that is source of a lot of conflicts in the world. For example in Turkey, they have resisted to allow education in Kurdish language in primary schools for millions of Kurds in their own homeland, but Turkey is mad at Germany for not having Turkish-only language primary schools for immigrants. and Turkey's stupid banning Kurdish language has created a conflict which is still going on today... (list of Kurdish children killed by Turkish army  just in the past two weeks)

I think Donald's blunt unfiltered plan is not realistic to implement but it is an opportunity for all of us to start to think and have some blunt dialogue across the world.


Back in April I was driving with my mom through Michigan, my rental car had a mechanical problem and I stopped by to call Enterprise, and th...

Ibrahim you make kurdish food, not fake-bombs, you get deported, not invited to the whitehouse!

Back in April I was driving with my mom through Michigan, my rental car had a mechanical problem and I stopped by to call Enterprise, and they forwarded me to some address to get a replacement car.

while I was driving without knowing where I am in Michigan, I saw a little sign that said Cafe Gulistan ! ...I was like wait a minute, Gulistan means Rosary in Kurdish...  I stopped by.I found a beautiful cafe covered with colorful flowers... and I almost burst into cry when I saw a beautiful Kurdistan flag

I found out his name is Ibrahim he was on the news in 1991, when he was tortured by Turkey and he got asylum in America. many years has passed now he has formed a family here and found peace in America. and a 4.5 star restaurant on Yelp.  my mom was super excited about the flowers and the small spring around the restaurant.

So I posted on Facebook how excited I was to see a Kurdish restaurant/bar for first time in USA, and I got another big surprise !!!! I had already met Ibrahims family during a protest against ISIS in Chicago. one of them is a photographer who took photos of our protest against ISIS in Michigan avenue (Chicago) and later infront of NBC channel and Turkish consulate. What a small world ...

Today I saw in facebook a shocking shocking news.... Ibrahim is being deported back to Turkey, the country which has started a big crack down on civilian kurdish people.

I felt so sad for America. I was wondering what if Ibrahim was an Arab Muslim who owned a Mosque and instead of a Kurdish Restaurant/Bar and instead of having a progressive family, he had a family covered in Burqa and Beard and someone wanted to shut down his Mosque and deport him he would be in the news Obama would invite him to the white house....
now the left media would be using his case to make a politically correct case.

Basically the media is saying:
Ibrahim you are not Mohammad ! You run a cute restaurant/bar not a mosque. you make delicious Kurdish food not fake-bomb-looking clocks. you get deported to where they torture you, not invited to white house.

I remember very well our protest in Chicago against ISIS (the one Ibrahim's family photographed) , was in front of NBC Headquarters, we heard ZERO coverage in NBC about our protest against ISIS. you know what was on NBC coverage instead ? was something about Israel treating Palestinians badly. Obviously Kobani being slaughtered by ISIS and our protest right outside NBC HQ had no news value.

but I have to take this bitter fact again and again, we are Kurds, no matter how much we share values with Americans and with western civilizations, no matter how much we fight the darkest ideologies of middle east we are not gonna be heard by the main stream media. we have Zero Politically Correct value for NBC, CNN, ...

Sign the petition here,
and check out more information on Facebook group for friends of Ibrahim

When I asked a liberal friend to sign the petition he told me, why don't you ask Trump?  that is a good question, I wonder what presidential candidates think about this ?  please if you can ask Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Trump, Hilary what they think about USA helping the biggest supporter of ISIS to suppress Kurds?

1- both Senator Peters (Democrat) and Senator Stabenow (Democrat) refused to help Ibrahim. 
2- I posted this on reddit, I didnt even get 1 vote up. (Ah...)
3- I tweeted at all the presidential candiates, nobody even responded.
4- his family has collected more than 5000 signatures so far. help them
5- Chicago reader posted this
6- Chicago Tribune posted this


This Google Chart will be updated as the news comes. I gave each candidate score from 0 to 10 on different Kurdish topics, like how strong...

Summary of US Presidential Candidates views about Kurds

This Google Chart will be updated as the news comes.
I gave each candidate score from 0 to 10 on different Kurdish topics, like how strong they believe America should Arm Kurds, Arm Kurds Directly, Accept Kurdistan's Independence, and Views on Turkey (the higher score the least chance of selling Kurds to Turkey), this is an interactive Google Chart and I will update it as news comes out. I will include the source of the news bellow.

Oops I just noticed I missed Marco Rubio... but I don't really feel like adding him to the chart right now.

 Rand Paul :

"Part of the problem is the Kurds aren’t getting enough arms, The Kurds are the best fighters. The arms are going through Baghdad to get to the Kurds and they’re being siphoned off and they’re not getting what they need. I think any arms coming from us or coming from any European countries ought to go directly to the Kurds. They seem to be the most effective and most determined fighters.
But I would go one step further: I would draw new lines for Kurdistan and I would promise them a country.:"  Source

Ted Cruz:
The Kurds, are boots on the ground right now. They’re fighting. They’re effective fighters. they’re loyal to us. They’ve been strong allies. and ISIS is using US military equipment that they seized in Iraq. The Kurds are using outmoded equipment, and the Obama administration refuses to provide weaponry to the Kurds because they think it would dismay Baghdad. I think that makes no sense. Source

Carly Fiorina:

“The Kurds have asked us to arm them for three years. We are not. I would,” Carly Fiorina said in a Fox Business Network debate on Nov. Source

Hilary Clinton:

"f we get the Turks to pay more attention to ISIS than they’re paying to the Kurds, if we do put together the kind of coalition with the specific tasks that I am outlining, I think we can be successful in destroying ISIS." Source
She praised the Kurds for fighting “bravely” against ISIS, even as the Iraqi national army, she said, was struggling and would need “more work to get it up to fighting shape.” Clinton spoke about the need to arm both Iraqi Kurds and Iraqi Sunnis to tackle ISIS. Source

Bernie Sanders:

Q:Would you support arming the Peshmerga, the Kurdish forces?
Yes. I think we should arm them--even that's a difficult issue to make sure that the people that we arm today don't turn against us tomorrow. But I think providing arms for those people who we can trust and providing air support is in fact something we should be doing.
Q: Would it be confined to the Peshmerga? I know that you voted against arming and training Syrian rebels. So is there a difference to you between the Peshmerga and the Syrian rebels?
We have been at war for 12 years. We have spent trillions of dollars. We have 500,000 young men and women who have come up--come home with PTSD and TBI. What I do not want and I fear very much is the US getting sucked into a quagmire and being involved in perpetual warfare year after year after year. That is my fear. Source

Marco Rubio:

In his plan to defeat ISIS mentions:
Provide arms directly to Sunni tribal and Kurdish forces if Baghdad fails to support them.