Cartoon shows FSA rebels kicking out US special forces while shouting "you are infidels"  Why US Medias missed it ? Busy...

Turkey-backed rebels in Syria threaten to massacre US troops, calling them infidels.

Cartoon shows FSA rebels kicking out US special forces while shouting "you are infidels" 

Why US Medias missed it ?

Busy with election news, nyc bombing, mn stabbing, ...

What happened ?

Turkish backed rebels attacked US special forces in Syria. called them infidels and threathen to slaughter them

Watch the videos (arabic) : 

What do they say in the videos  ?

Parts of the arabics I can translate:
  • "Death to America"
  • "Ya Allah, Ya Allah you are pigs"
  • "Prepare yourself for slaughter"
  • “Christians & Americans have no place among us...crusader war on Syria.” 
  • "We are the Mojahidoon" (Mojahidoon in arabic means those who commit Jihad)

Read more about it:

  • Ara News: Turkey-backed rebels in Syria threaten to massacre US troops, calling them infidels
  • The telegraphic: American commandos 'forced to run away' from US-backed Syrian rebels
If you missed my previous post 16 days ago, you should go ahead and read them. there I showed pictures of how the so called moderate rebels backed by Turkey are not much different with ISIS. 
a few weeks ago US vice president, Joe Biden showed up in front of the cameras with Turkish president showing a sad submissive body language and allowed Turkish troops to enter Syria, who claimed they wanna fight ISIS, but they ended up fighting Kurds and replace the Kurds with extremist jihadist who are both barbaric, and anti western.

Turkey today also warned that it will Attack Kurds in Syria even if American soldiers are inside them and will kill Americans with them. as he labeled Syrian Kurds as terrorist. a term Turkey wrongfully uses to describe pro women, pro democratic values, syrian Kurds who are happy to co exist with other relligion (christians and jews) and help them take back and rebuild their churches.

American People have shown much support to Kurdish people in fight against ISIS,.
This week the body of two colorado heroes returned to USA, who fight alongside Kurdish forces. (YPG condolence statement) They were civilian americans who went to help kurds despite unclear Washington's strategy about fighting ISIS.

Later US special forces also joined helping YPG. but now Turkey wants to even attack US special forces as Erdogan mentioned recently.

Meanwhile Erdogan called the fallen US soldiers (Levi Shirley, William Savage and Jordan MacTaggart)  "terrorist" and not heroes in their propaganda machine Sabah newspaper .

I hope USA stands with their best friends in the middle east and make northern syria a base for civilized syrians to thrive without disgusting barbaric version of Islam which Turkish backed rebels promote.