Orlando Terror attack happened.  Terrible Sadness. and now all the medias are covering the story. Each political media has made this story...

My recommendation to the medias on Orlando's terrible terror attack

Orlando Terror attack happened.  Terrible Sadness.

and now all the medias are covering the story. Each political media has made this story the top story, trying to make a political point !

Left Media: We told you so, we need to ban riffle guns.
Right Media: We told you so, we need to acknowledge that we are in war with radical islam.

But both medias agree this was the worst terror attack since 9/11. and that coward's picture and name are on all social medias and TVs now.

As a Kurd in America. whose homeland is under attack by the same type of cowards. I would like to recommend this to my fellow Americans :

We can be sure that terrorist coward who attacked innocent defenselessness civilians in the middle of dance floor listening to music, would love all the attention he is getting right now.

We can be sure the other cowards who might attack soft targets, are enjoying fantasizing to be on the top of all the news, just like this coward. because being a coward is easy, attacking soft targets without any defense is easy.

Whether Left or Right, we should not fall for terrorists wishes.  They wished to be paid this much attention.  Instead I recommend sharing videos of Kurdish girls killing these cowards in battlefields. lets show video of these cowards running away from girls... when girls have a gun. Cowards like the Orlando's killer won't not stand a chance to commit such crimes. Let's show that these cowards are too little to be mentioned anywhere.

Let's not forget to show the Kurdish girls dancing before and dancing after each battle. because these coward terrorists hate dance. they hate music. 

Left or Right let's unite against these dark minded cowards let's not give them the attention they  ant.
The only attention they should get should be how coward they are, not how dangerous they are.

I invite you all to watch this documentary: 

Her War : Women Against ISIS