A Turkish solider proudly published a video bragging about his actions which was shortly deleted in Facebook. KurdishQuestion.com website...

Turkish solider throw captured Kurdish women off a rock and shoot them.

A Turkish solider proudly published a video bragging about his actions which was shortly deleted in Facebook. KurdishQuestion.com website has the original video. but refuse to publish for violence nature of it.

The video shows captured Kurdish women fighters from close range. One of them is thrown off the rock as she is standing on while the other is riddle with bullets.

I condemn this disgusting barbaric war crime by Turkish army. so should any other human.

In another video which has not been deleted yet, you see Turkish soldiers are torturing an injured Kurdish woman.

These are videos that you won't see in the globalist media channels. these are kind of videos you will only see if you follow individual Kurdish bloggers. thats why I hope you pass this message on, that Turkish government and army are committing war crimes.

Why is it a war crime ?

because they are captured and they are not fighting, killing captured soldier  execution style is only do-able by a tyranny which Turkey is, and is against Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949
No sentence shall be passed and no penalty shall be executed on a person found guilty of an offence except pursuant to a conviction pronounced by a court offering the essential guarantees of independence and impartiality.

But wait a minute, But how do Kurdish fighters treat captured soldiers?

1-Video: Turkish soldiers captured by #PKK served with Tea & Food

The tweet showed the Kurdish soldiers and the Turkish captured soldiers having a civil conversation. and offering them food, tea and sugar cube.
Here another Source- 2007

2-Video: Kurdish woman fighters treating captured ISIS fighter:

ISIS have done many crimes to humanity and Kurdish people have been the biggest target of ISIS. including mass killing of Kurds for having a different relligion and enslaving 5000 of their women and children . but how do Kurdish soldiers treat ISIS when they capture them alive ?