It has been a while since I posted the post about what I think about Trump's Muslim ban. .. and as I expected I did receive nasty mail...

On my post about Turmp a few months ago...

It has been a while since I posted the post about what I think about Trump's Muslim ban...

and as I expected I did receive nasty mails, some threaten me to be brave enough to share my identity, some tried to find out my identity through mutual friends but is it gonna stop me from expressing my opinion ? I don't think so !

Just to be clear I never supported Trump's banning Muslims coming to USA, and I ranked Trump the least favorable in the chart I made  for Kurds even lower than Hillary.
but I have criticism about the people who are against Trump for the wrong reaons and the wrong arguments also !

I only clearly asked, if you think Trump is wrong about banning a religion to enter USA, you must also think Muslim's banning non-muslims going to certain cities wrong too. ( which they actually do it in Saudi Arabia)

Anyway I did support Rand Paul and I did find him closest to the Kurdish spirit the spirit of freedom and liberty. the spirit that not compromising on Freedom of human for anything.